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and the support staff of lebaobei123 0 232 01.07.2019 05:11
both sides of the ball, conf lebaobei123 0 133 01.07.2019 05:11
Roy reached across the goal line wi lebaobei123 0 131 01.07.2019 05:10
vert got two whacks at the puck from the lebaobei123 0 135 01.07.2019 05:10
urrent three-game run, including lebaobei123 0 129 01.07.2019 05:10
ng of playing on the W lebaobei123 0 150 01.07.2019 05:10
ame so far. Backup Matt Walter fill lebaobei123 0 137 01.07.2019 05:10
ve playing with him, and Id lebaobei123 0 145 01.07.2019 05:10
rtime to give the New Jerse lebaobei123 0 134 01.07.2019 05:10
id the second half and c lebaobei123 0 158 01.07.2019 05:10
tching your analysis on lebaobei123 0 142 01.07.2019 05:10
eportedly also in the running lebaobei123 0 112 01.07.2019 05:10
rfect 6-of-6 mark from long di lebaobei123 0 131 01.07.2019 05:10
ills players who ar lebaobei123 0 117 01.07.2019 05:09
ice, how hard be practises. lebaobei123 0 133 01.07.2019 05:09
eteran of three prior star lebaobei123 0 82 26.06.2019 04:36
eteran of three prior star lebaobei123 0 82 26.06.2019 04:36
te to snuff out a Jays rally in the sev lebaobei123 0 82 26.06.2019 04:36
t in on the fun Saturday, against a l lebaobei123 0 64 26.06.2019 04:35
idge to stop Leicester winn lebaobei123 0 100 26.06.2019 04:35
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