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Fontaine said. The Coyotes had their lebaobei123 0 235 12.06.2019 05:51
as many shots, but Minnesota score lebaobei123 0 76 12.06.2019 05:51
4-footer at No. 8. "My driver has b lebaobei123 0 71 12.06.2019 05:51
Rangers capped a successful Califo lebaobei123 0 72 12.06.2019 05:51
tive week. About the only thing that wen lebaobei123 0 65 12.06.2019 05:51
mer scored on a double-play grounder lebaobei123 0 86 12.06.2019 05:51]Stitched Kansas Cit lebaobei123 0 74 12.06.2019 05:51
week after the video game m lebaobei123 0 74 12.06.2019 05:51
rd Islanders general manager Garth Snow.dddddddd lebaobei123 0 94 12.06.2019 05:51
ards Matt Moulson and Thomas Vanek, but b lebaobei123 0 80 12.06.2019 05:51
e Ballard had a 15-yard catch, his first rece lebaobei123 0 92 12.06.2019 05:51
st No. 6 San Diego State: Get the ball lebaobei123 0 83 12.06.2019 05:51
le D Seth Jones played lebaobei123 0 83 12.06.2019 05:50
e combined for 18 points so far lebaobei123 0 79 12.06.2019 05:50
gettable weekend, Anton Khudobin help lebaobei123 0 86 12.06.2019 05:50
che will take that. "I like our lebaobei123 0 67 10.06.2019 06:34
aid. There aree so many major events t lebaobei123 0 80 10.06.2019 06:34
e they were on the power play and lebaobei123 0 52 10.06.2019 06:34
eague football and the British Masters lebaobei123 0 75 10.06.2019 06:34
a World Cup downhill event Saturday lebaobei123 0 63 10.06.2019 06:34
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